Local Biz Spark : Sparking Action From Practical Business Tips
Over the years I've been blogging here, the topics have changed. I have a lot on here which are focused on online course creation which is the key focus of the site currently. However, since the latter part of 2023, I have taken a bit of a blogging detour. And therefore, my blog posts have reflected 'other' things I have been working on and being involved in, especially within my local small business community.
A new adventure for me is writing a regular newspaper column!
Yes, 'Local Biz Spark - Sparking Action From Practical Business Tips', debuted in the July 2024 edition of Hornsea Community News.
It's my intention that my articles encourage my local business community to take some small action steps each month that will benefit their business. And my articles are prompted by my observations and experience from running my online business since 2010 and supporting a wide range of global clients in a variety of online marketing projects.
The articles have started with a focus on taking control of your online presence and protecting key online business assets, starting with your website!
And the second, in the August edition, is all about the importance of PASSWORDS! I share some startling facts about the economic damage that can be caused to your business by weak, inadequate passwords, and some simple steps to take to manage your passwords and make them stronger.
I have permission from the owner of Hornsea Community News, Andrea Kirk, to use my HCN articles here on my blog. And so the rest of this blog post covers my introduction to the column, as I give a bit of background as to why I am writing the column, and a bit of background about me by way of introduction.

Welcome to 'Local Biz Spark' my new column where I hope to spark action from sharing practical business tips, info & reminders!
In an era where we seem to be drowning in information, it's the small steps of purposeful action which make a difference in our small businesses.
I'm Susan Weeks, and I've been running my online business since 2010, with a professional career in technology & training before that.
- I've worked with global clients, supporting them with consultancy and services in popular online tools, technologies & apps,
- been a technology trainer and business mentor for a global Freelancer training organisation Freelance University
- and am the founder of a globally popular textile art podcast called Stitchery Stories (which celebrates its SEVENTH birthday on 19th July, 2024)
The pandemic kicked off another service for me, teaching creative business owners how to create online courses. That service is still the key focus of this website.
And I've just launched a new online platform called Stitchery Courses, making it easy to find courses & classes to learn stitching, making & crafting with thread, fabric & yarn.
I know that many local business owners struggle with many of the things I have a lot of practical experience with, so it's my desire here, to share practical tips and ideas.
I'm also happy to answer questions, or take suggestions for future column topics too!
Please use the Contact Form here on my website.
And therefore, with the basic introduction 'out of the way', the remainder of the article is in it's own blog post.
You can read it here>>>>> link to go here when the blog post has been written!
I'm always cheering you on!
Sue xxx
AND IF YOU WANT TO HIRE ME FOR A BRAINPICKING / TROUBLESHOOTING / ADVICE SESSION I have a special support offer for my local Hornsea business community >>>> details here: