What They Say!

Clients, Course Students, Interview Guests & Listeners

I started my online business in 2010 whilst living in rural France. 

  • Provided online marketing services to global clients. 
  • Taught hundreds & hundreds of online business owners through online courses created for Freelance University in over 20 online software tools. 
  • Supported local East Yorkshire business owners. 
  • Demystified & taught online course creation to many creative business owners. 
  • Entertained thousands of listeners through my globally popular textile art podcast, Stitchery Stories. 
  • Appeared on podcasts & livestreams as a guest. 
  • And hosted livestream interviews & social events on behalf of The Embroiderers' Guild.

Sometimes I remembered to collect some testimonials, rave reviews and kind words! 

I've organised them into relevant categories.

I hope these help you choose me as your trainer & wise guide through the online world... 

Google Business Profile Reviews

I've only recently started collecting reviews from local (Hornsea & East Riding Of Yorkshire) business owners for training and support delivered in-person in my local area.