3 Types Of Online Course Videos That Course Creators Need To Make

As an online course creator you need to develop skills in online course video creation. Here are the 3 types of videos you need to create and why. I teach 3 different video editors within my online course creation course 'Crafty Online Course Creation'. Step by step clear short video tutorials you can learn from!
blog smartphone video making workshop

Make Fun & Easy Videos On Your Phone : Training In Hornsea

Learn how to make videos using your phone. Practical training workshop in Hornsea. Grow confidence. Make videos. Market your business. It's finally time for you to stop faffing, make some videos, and market your business. I'm here to show you how.
blog avoid costly course creation mistake

Learn HOW to AVOID this Costly Online Course Creation Mistake

Sharing a story which highlights a VERY COMMON mistake that wannabee online course creators make - and some training to learn how to avoid it. You don't need to waste endless months on working out where you can 'put' your online course. You can learn what you need to know in 60 minutes with me. Discover how.
blog masterclass offer choosing course platform

Online Course Training Masterclass : How To Choose The Right Platform For Your Online Course

Online course training masterclass on choosing the right platform for your online course: a practical guide to making the BEST CHOICE FOR YOU Stop wasting more precious time and mental headspace on sorting out where to 'put' your course. Attend this masterclass, take action and move onto more valuable parts of online course creation... such as audience building and marketing!
icons to represent the online tech programs and items needed to create an online course

Online Course Creation Tips! What Techy Stuff & Equipment Do You Need

Are you avoiding creating an online course 'cos you are very worried about 'the techy stuff'? Quick online course creation tip. Here's a list of basic techy stuff - tools and equipment that you need to start your online course creation. Grab my FREE Techy Toolbox here